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WHOOP Journal screenshot

Outgrowing WHOOP Journal

The WHOOP Journal is a great introduction to self-experimentation. It allows you to effectively monitor how common supplements and behaviors impact your recovery. However, if you're like me, you'll soon want to dig deeper. Zinc seems to improve my recovery, but how does it affect my resting heart rate? My sleep efficiency? This is where you run into a wall.

WHOOP Journal is limited to:

These artificial limitations frustrated me, and was one of the reasons I started development on LongevityLab. A good self-experimentation tool should allow you to ask any question.

LongevityLab supplement tracking

LongevityLab allows you to track anything, in any way you want. If you want to take your health tracking to the next level, you should give it a try. Sign up for the waitlist below to get access as soon as it's available.